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PM4NGOs is an international NGO that promotes and sustains the professionalism of program and project management in the international development sector and is the owner of Project DPro and Program DPro.

PM4NGOs is dedicated to advancement in the project management skills of individuals and organizations working in the development sector throughout the world. Our aim is to reach not just donor organizations and NGOs, but community-based organizations and individuals on the ground who are making the difference, often against the odds and with minimal resources.

PM4NGOs develop best practice guides, methodologies, tools, and techniques to help project managers in the development sector to improve the impact of their projects. Their work is implemented in partnership with the most know NGOs and skilled experts. Their products and resources must always be affordable, accessible, and appropriate.

C4AIK has partnered with PM4NGOs, as an authorized training organisation to deliver courses that are highly rated within the development/humanitarian sector


C4AIK training sessions are highly interactive and insightful.  Trainees are certified by APMG international after passing the exam.


Available courses are;

  • Project DPro

  • PgMD Pro

  • FMD Pro



Training fee is negotiable based on number of participants and is inclusive of tea break and lunch and workshop materials.  Contact correspondence@c4aik to discuss C4AIK training fees for DPro series



©2022  by Center For AID Information and Knowledge. 

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